Grant aid projects by international agencies aim to have a more direct effect on the lives of ordinary people.
KEI carries out a significant number of grant aid projects for the Japanese donor organisation JICA. The focus of the work is on poverty reduction and meeting basic human needs. These include programmes for improving access in rural areas through bridge rehabilitation and rural road improvement projects.
In Bangladesh, 74 small-scale bridges were constructed on rural roads, improving access to markets, to health and education facilities.
In the land-locked country of Laos, KEI carried out basic and detailed design of rehabilitation works for 132 kilometers of road with the aim of increasing agricultural productivity and reducing poverty.
In Africa, KEI has managed the surveys of needs and management of equipment supply to Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania. The aim of the assistance is to ensure sustainability of aid by provision of equipment required for maintenance of existing infrastructure. In these projects, special attention is given to ensuring that plenty of spare parts are provided, that economical methods are set in place for continued supply, and that training and organisation improvements are implemented.
In Mongolia, a design study was carried out to improve public transportation in Ulaan Baator. This led to the supply of 90 buses, and construction of workshop and maintenance facilities.